What is Webacy exactly?

Webacy is the security layer for self-custody. Webacy is a suite of services that allow you to enhance your blockchain security to keep your digital assets safe now, and forever.

Am I giving you my passwords to everything?

You aren’t. Webacy adopts a no-access policy, which means that we don’t hold your passwords anywhere. We do not ever ask for private keys, seed phrases, or passwords. No one accesses your wallet but you.

Are you a law firm?

No. We are definitely not a law firm and do not have any powers that are associated with an attorney relationship. We are an online tool that allows you to create an automated will for your crypto assets that will carry out on your death. All legal and tax ramifications for these tools should be discussed with your appropriate legal counsel. We’ve worked closely with estate and tax attorneys to create a process that works well with traditional instruments (like your “offline” will) - but we can’t guarantee that there won’t be additional clarity needed that you’ll need to discuss with your lawyer.

What if I’ve already written my requests in a traditional Will or a Trust?

As stated in the RUFADAA in your state, your preferences in your Will or Trust will be subordinate to preferences you state in any online tool. As long as you have your identity verified within Webacy, your preferences will stand until you revoke them or delete your Webacy account. The user is responsible for assuring that their offline will and settings within Webacy's tools are aligned.

I live in Louisiana, Oklahoma and Massachusetts - why can’t I use the Crypto Will product?

Your state, unfortunately, has not enacted the RUFADAA bill that 47 states have already enacted. You can contact your local representative to check on the status of it. We do know that Massachusetts is already working more clarity given the recent judgment passed by Ajemian v. Yahoo.

View the judgment

Want to learn more?

Further documentation is currently under development. You can reach out to the Webacy team at any time by joining our Discord.