Hello, Product Hunters!

Webacy is a guardian for your wallet, keeping your crypto and digital assets safe. As a fellow Product Hunt up-voter, you can gain exclusive free access to a suite of powerful tools built specifically for protecting your digital estate.
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How We Protect You

Lost your keys?

Did you forget the password to your crypto wallet, or lose your seed phrase? Happens to all of us. Now there's a solution! Webacy's Backup Wallet function helps you recover your assets.

Clicked a malicious phishing link?

Trigger the Panic Button and transfer all of your protected assets to safe wallet, in one click, all at once. Also useful for vulnerabilities, threats, or the chance of one.

Not just Crypto, social assets as well!

Blockchain Native Assets

Webacy is a solution focused on securing your blockchain-based digital assets. This includes all ERC tokens (20, 721, 1155) with support coming for BTC, SOL, and other chains.

Traditional Web Assets

Webacy also protects your Web2 digital assets. Store your files permanently with Shoebox, choose a plan for your social media accounts, designate an Inner Circle to carry out your wishes, and more.

Grimmies, your access pass to Webacy

Grimmies are the protector of your web3 wallet. They also act as an early-access token for Webacy. Grimmie holders get special access, utility, and pricing privileges for life.
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Get Access Now!

Interested? As a fellow Product Hunt up-voter, you can gain exclusive free access to a suite of powerful tools built specifically for protecting your digital assets.
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